Importance of JSC Exam in Bangladesh

Exam is very important for every student. It is the way which evaluate a student properly. A student past and foremost duty is to acquire knowledge. Exam is helpful for that. Such as JSC (Junior School Certificate) exam is very necessary for student. It is a way to examine a student that he is eligible for class 9. 

It is also a challenge for a student. But political violation creates many problems to help exams in every year. Like previous year this year exam schedule was changed for Hartal. Nevertheless JSC exam result also important for student. Exam is a evaluation system which modify a student for his future life. 

But now a day's student takes illegal way for his  exam. Now knowledge is not important for student. They only try to acquire good mark. That's why they take many illegal ways for better result which damage their student life in some case. 

Every student waits for his result which inspires a student for higher education and evaluate himself properly. like previous year Junior School Certificate result will be published quickly.